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Granite is used in buildings, bridges, paving, monuments, and many other exterior projects. Indoors, polished granite slabs and tiles are used in countertops, tile floors, stair treads, and many other design elements. Granite is a prestige material, used in projects to produce impressions of elegance and quality.
Many people recognize granite because it is the most common igneous rock found at Earth’s surface and because granite is used to make many objects that we encounter in daily life. These include countertops, floor tiles, paving stone, curbing, stair treads, building veneer, and cemetery monuments.
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The Slabs Are Transformed into Flooring, Elevation, Decoration, and Countertops.
Granite color and price

You’ll typically find that tan and black granite slabs are the least expensive, and that white granite tends to be cheaper in cost.
Granite is light & dark-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided eye. It forms from the slow crystallization.
Granite slab and granite are available at the lowest price. We are the best granite slab manufacturer and supplier.
Granite is one of the most commonly known types of rocks, used in everything from buildings to sculptures. It has been used for thousands of years and is regarded as a symbol of status, strength, and durability.
Image result for granite flooring
never expelled as molten rock. The gradual cooling of molten rock is imperative to create the large crystals of a singular mineral that we see in granites. With time, there is differential lithification or solidifying of molten rock dependent on chemical makeup, this allows for different types of minerals to form at different periods of time and alter the final resulting granite. Therefore, the size of individual grains is proportional to how slowly the molten rock was cooled. Extrusive rocks cool during a volcanic eruption and allow no time for orientation of minerals, creating a homogenous looking rock with no discernible grains.
Igneous rock is a rock that has solidified from molten rock. This is in comparison to the two other major types of rock, sedimentary and metamorphic.
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White Granite White granite is a granite that is composed primarily of quartz milky white and feldspar white minerals. The small black specks in the granite above are likely small amphibole grains. This could be due to a lack of chemical components needed to form amphibole, or the cooling process was not amenable to the formation of amphiboles.
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Black Granite Black granite is commonly seen in commercial rock, but it is not granite at all. As said above, granite must be at least 23% quartz, which means an all-black rock is not granite. Most commonly, black granite is, in fact, gabbro, a mafic intrusive igneous rock similar to basalt. Gabbro is primarily composed of minerals pyroxene, plagioclase, and small amounts of olivine and amphibole.
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Pink Granite
Pink colored granite is a result of an abundance of potassium feldspar within the granite. You can see small specs of milky semi-transparent quartz, dark brown/black amphibole, and opaque white feldspar. However, in a granite-like, the one above the primary mineral is potassium feldspar.
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Black & White Granite
The above granite appears to have equal parts quartz, feldspar, and amphibole, making a speckled black and white granite. This is one of the most common types of granite and one that is most commonly seen used for granite countertops.
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Red Granite Red granite is a variation of pink potassium feldspar abundant granite, where the k-feldspar takes on a redder than pinker color. Also, you can get red coloring from iron oxide in hematite grains or inclusion within feldspar, essentially the same process that makes rusted metal ruby red-colored.
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Green Granite
Green granite often times the stone is actually a green variety of marble, which gains its green coloration due to inclusions of serpentine. It could also be a green variation of soapstone, mislabeled as granite. Granites are not abundant in green colored minerals, but there are a variety of different rock types that do contain green minerals in abundance. One very unusual way to get a green coloration is the inclusion of amazonite, a green variety of feldspar.
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Kashmir White Granite
Kashmir White granite is primarily composed of white feldspar and quartz, with distinctive red garnet crystals. This is not actually a granite, but a metamorphic rock.
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Venetian Gold Granite
A mixture of tan and white feldspar and quartz minerals with amphibole, mica, and garnets to add dark black and red coloring.
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Giallo Ornamental Granite
Some versions of this granite appear to be partially metamorphosed, bringing it into the category of a gneiss. The metamorphosis, a result of heat and pressure, gives it the swirl texture. This granite has very little accessory minerals and is primarily white due to feldspar and quartz.
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Tan Brown Granite
The tan here refers to a variation of feldspar, with trace amounts of potassium to give it a very faint pink color. The brown and black flecks are likely abundant amphibole.
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Black Pearl Granite
This is not actually a granite, but a type of gabbro with pyroxene and amphibole.
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Bianco Antico granite
This granite is primarily quartz, with pink flecks of feldspar sourced from Brazil.
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Black Galaxy graniteThis granite is actually a type of fine to medium-grained gabbro, black with golden flecks.
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Volga Blue granite
This is actually an Anthrosite, an intrusive igneous rock that gets its iridescent blue color from labradorescence.
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Absolute Black granite
Again, this is a type of gabbro and not granite, similar to the Black Pearl granite above.
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That wraps up this guide to granite colors and hopefully taught you a lot about the different varieties of granites, from white granite to ‘black granite.’ Leave a comment below with your favorite. THANKS, AND REGARDS BY D.C. BHANDARI


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